Eating is part of your travel experience. You get to sample different cuisines and delicacies as you travel. However, this can land you into trouble with your health. You don’t want to suffer food poising in the middle of your vacation. Also, you don’t want to go back home having added excessive body weight. Here ere are places not to eat when traveling.
Roadside Eateries
You will come across food stands on the roadsides on your travel, especially those traveling to developing countries. These roadside food stands offer a wide variety of local and foreign foods. Avoid these places. They are often unhygienic, and you will likely suffer food poising, diarrhea, and other stomach problems.
Airline Meals
You will realize that most airlines will provide meals for passengers on long flights. There is nothing wrong with having some of the food on the menu. However, don’t be a fan of eating while flying. Apart from feeling tasteless, the airline food is often not fresh and contains more sugar. Moreover, your digestive system doesn’t function properly in high altitudes.
Bush Meals
If you are traveling to some destinations like Africa, you may come across bush meat where meals are prepared literally in the bush or some open area. As a tourist, it may be tempting to try out these foods. While you can enjoy seeing the activities and cooking, avoid eating the foods because they are most often not checked by a veterinary for diseases. They are also unhygienic.
Take Away
You have several alternatives when picking places to eat when traveling. When choosing a place to eat, consider the hygienic conditions of the site, the type of foods available, and the cost. Please avoid areas with a high risk of developing food-related health problems and complications. Always use common sense.…